This Custom Track was uploaded for archival purposes
||Akina Pass||
||Version|Beta 2

Akina Pass is a Custom Track made by Ermelber. This version of Akina Pass was released publicly in 2016, and it was later remade and featured in Ermii Kart DS.

[{Image src='https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/582296911487434758/848593955586703391/1.png'}][{Image src='https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/582296911487434758/848593957557501972/2.png'}][{Image src='https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/582296911487434758/848593953289011210/3.png'}]

!!!Custom Tracks Distributions
This track is part of the following Custom Track Distributions and ROMHacks:
*[Ermii Kart DS]
This Custom Track can only be featured on distributions if the track's author gives permission to do so, or if the author submits it to said distribution.

!!!Version History
|__Version__|__Date of release__|__Information__
|Beta 2|2016-09-12|Public release