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New Super Mario Kart#

New Super Mario Kart is a ROM hack developed by Southport. Its purpose is to be a SNES-to-DS port.

The project's logo.

Pauline, one of the 5 planned custom characters, as seen on the CSS.

Vanilla Lake 2.

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List of attachments

Kind Attachment Name Size Version Date Modified Author Change note
nooutline.png 170.8 kB 1 23-Jun-2022 22:46 DylanzuDS
unknown.png 65.8 kB 1 23-Jun-2022 22:46 DylanzuDS
unknown1.png 64.4 kB 1 23-Jun-2022 22:46 DylanzuDS
unknown2.png 687.9 kB 1 23-Jun-2022 22:46 DylanzuDS
unknown3.png 174.6 kB 1 23-Jun-2022 22:46 DylanzuDS
« This particular version was published on 13-Aug-2022 22:15 by Southport.