||Toad (Super Show)||
||Download|[Google Drive|https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cUGSarVMFfx2t0CRtOp5dcG218K-DG6p/view?usp=drive_link]


Straight off the red carpet and onto the race track! This movie star is ready to win!

Included are player model, computer model, emblem, nameplate, player select portrait, trophy portrait, and bottom screen icons.

[{Image src='https://wiki.dshack.org/attach/Toad%20%28Super%20Show%29/Toad_Preview.png'}]

!!!Custom Tracks Distributions
This content is part of the following Custom Track Distributions and ROMHacks:


This Content can only be featured on distributions if the track's author gives permission to do so, or if the author submits it to said distribution.

!!!Version History
|__Version__|__Date of release__|__Information__
|1.0|2023-12-16|First release